Tuesday, October 12, 2010

PESANAN BUAT SUAMI - oleh Dato Dr Hj Mohd Fadzilah Kamsah

Renungan Buat Bakal Suami ku - Muhammad Khuzairi Jaafar

1. Selalu menghargai usaha dan penat-lelah isteri, terutama isteri yang bekerja dan sama-sama terpaksa menanggung hutang suami.
2. Bila isteri bercakap, pandanglah mukanya dan buka telinga luas-luas. Biar apa yang dikatakannya masuk telinga kanan dan tersumbat di telinga kiri. Sambil tu otak suami kenalah memproses informasi yang diterima daripada isteri dengan bijak serta prihatin.
3. Jangan sekali-kali membandingkan masakan isteri atau cara isteri menghias rumah dengan mak anda kecuali masakan/cara menghias isteri anda lebih baik dan canggih dari emak anda..
4. Jangan demand sex sekiranya isteri tak ada mood atau letih. Agama suruh kahwin bukan semata-mata untuk penuhi nafsu syahwat saja.
5. Kalau pasangan dah ada anak, sama-samalah menjaga anak. Benih dari awak juga.. Ada suami, isteri sedang makan disuruh cebok kencing n berak anak sedangkan suami duduk tersandar kekenyangan macam maharaja.
6. Jangan sekali-kali duduk tersandar depan TV atau relax-relax sedangkan isteri bila balik dari kerja, buka saja kasut terus masuk dapur, memasak, mengemas, membasuh, kejar anak dsbnya. Berbulu mata dan sayu hati isteri bila kami tak cukup tangan nak menguruskan rumahtangga sedangkan suami lepas tangan.
7. Sekiranya suami makan dahulu, tinggalkan sedikit lauk utk isteri. Jangan bedal semua sampai turn isteri yang tinggal cuma ekor ikan sekerat, janggut sotong dan ekor taugeh.
8. Kalau nak ajak member bertandang ke rumah, beritau isteri dulu, kalau boleh sehari-dua in advance. Jadi bolehlah dia memasak yang best-best dan mengemas rumah cantik-cantik. Bayangkan perasaan isteri kalau tetamu datang terpacak sedangkan kain-baju masih berlonggok belum sempat dilipat, permainan anak masih berselerak dan isteri cuma masak mi maggi saja.
9. Jangan sekali-kali menyakat isteri tentang saiz badannya yang semakin sihat atau semakin melidi. Tengok body sendiri dalam cermin dulu.
10. Jangan kentut depan isteri. Masa bercinta dulu kenapa boleh control kentut?
11. Hormatilah ibu-bapa dan kaum keluarga isteri walaupun anda cuma main wayang, bodek mereka masa nak mengurat isteri anda dulu. Jangan sekali mencaci mereka walaupun secara bergurau.
12. Jangan kedekut dengan isteri serta keperluan rumahtangga.
13. Jagalah maruah anda sebagai suami dan lelaki. Selagi boleh, jangan bebankan isteri dengan masaalah kewangan anda. Selalunya perempuan ni, semakin suami “degil” tak nak minta pertolongan, selagi itulah dia rela nak tolong.
14. Jangan bersepah dan bersikap pengotor. Dah buka baju, letakkan dalam bakul baju kotor, dah guna cungkil gigi, buanglah dalam bakul sampah, bila dah guna ubat gigi bubuh balik penutupnya, dah ambil sesuatu barang simpan balik ditempat asal, dah berak flush. Susah sangat ke nak buat macam tu? Semua nak kena ajar ke?
15. Rajin-rajinlah bertanya isteri kalau dia perlukan bantuan anda dengan kerja rumah/menjaga anak. Tapi jangan tanya dua tahun sekali. Jangan tunjuk rajin bila ada tetamu di rumah saja.
16. Hormatilah isteri anda sebagaimana anda mahu dihormati. Isteri pun manusia. Allah berikan banyak keistimewaan kepada para isteri tapi diputar-belitkan tafsirannya oleh orang lelaki untuk kepentingan diri sendiri.
17. Jangan main kayu tiga dengan perempuan lain. Main lain lagi tak boleh. Kalau isteri awak yang buat, tentu awak tak boleh tolerate, jadi mengapa isteri awak kena tolerate kalau awak buat?
18. Kalau tak menyukai sikap atau perbuatan isteri, tegurlah secara baik, jangan asyik nak menengking aja. Kalau awak sakit nak mati nanti, siapa yang kena jaga awak? Bai jual roti? Apek jual sayur? Jiran sebelah rumah awak?
19. Kalau isteri nampak tak sihat, cepat-cepatlah bawa jumpa doktor. Tunjuklah anda mengambil berat tentang dirinya.
20. Berbincanglah dengan isteri sebelum sesuatu keputusan dibuat. Walaupun suami megah ada kuasa veto, tak jadi bapok kalau pendapat isteri diambil kira. Pokok pangkalnya ialah timbangrasa dan saling menghargai. Cubalah ketepikan ego yang keterlaluan. Bukannya laku bila dah mati nanti.
21. Dalami agama dan bimbinglah anak isteri dengan ikhlas seperti yang dituntut agama. Ingat, kalau seorang suami masuk syurga, besar kemungkinan isteri pun masuk syurga. Kalau suami masuk neraka belum tentu isteri juga masuk neraka. Kalau isteri masuk neraka, besar kemungkinan suami juga masuk NERAKA tapi kalau isteri masuk syurga belum tentu suami pun masuk syurga.Ini bukan rekaan saya tapi saya dengar dari seorang ustaz.
22. Berusahalah dengan ikhlas untuk mempertahankan keharmonian rumahtangga. Jangan buat apa yang isteri tak suka. Percayalah, kalau suami buat baik sekali dengan isteri, isteri balas sepuluh kali
23. Jangan buat donno kalau isteri merajuk atau berkecil hati. Kalau perlu minta maaf, minta maaf, kalau perlu dipujuk, pujuk. Hati orang pompuan ni sensitif. Kalau kami rasa suami tak ambil kisah, perasaan bagai dihiris-hiris. Perkara yang dipandang remeh oleh suami boleh menjadi kanser kepada isteri. Kepada para suami khususnya dan kaum lelaki amnya, janganlah dianggap masalah hati dan perasaan orang perempuan ni enteng sahaja.
Allah s.w.t. berfirman, “Dan ketahuilah bahawasanya Allah mengetahui apa yang didalam hatimu, sebab itu berhati-hatilah dengan Tuhan”

Friday, October 1, 2010

* Hubby sy da ader blog *

Hubby sy da ader blog sndr .. Nie URL nyer , http://sinaranpelangi-khuzai.blogspot.com/ Ader kmajuan .. hehehe .. Sronok bace 1st post dye .. Trase diriku begitu b'harge .. Bby syg aby sgt2 cyg .. Thanx syg 4 everything .. Nnt update lar blog 2 slaloo yea .. Ok .. Enjoy + have fun with ur new blog + life .. (",)

Monday, September 27, 2010



* Great weekend *

+ Sabtu +
My weekend was a great weekend anyway .. Well , it's not a holiday or vacation but it was something that really fun .. Actually,aku pg kem .. Sajer follow aby coz dye kene ader kat kem 2 sbagai jurulatih .. Kem nie tuk dak2 Skill tech .. Kem Jati Diri .. Mcm2 lar program nyer kat c2 .. Sblm start xtivity tuk arie ke2 , kitorg pg open house dl .. Sume open house 2 kat umah kwn2 aby .. Blk dr open house, aku + eryn tlg aby prepare brg2 tuk xtiviti mlm 2.. kembara minda ..
Dlm kul 7, kitorg pown b'siaplar tuk next open house .. Open house mlm nie kat Jabatan Kebudayaan dan Kesenian negeri Melaka .. Kitorg kene jln kaki ramai2 smpai ke tmpt 2 .. Mcm2 lar yg ader .. Soto, yong tau fu , mihun sup , satay .. Paz 2, ader r persembahan diorg wat .. Tarian + nyanyian .. Yg x blh blah nyer, penyanyi 2 mmg tp lari dr lagu .. ;agu da msk, dye br nk nyanyi .. but still happening lar .. Dlm kul 9.30 , kitorg gerak blk ..

Smpai kat kem , sume org b'kumpul .. B'siap plakk tuk xtitvi Kembara minda .. Suem JL + Faci pg short brifieng .. Brifieng tuk xtiviti mlm + sok pg .. Da dpt full information , kitorg pown gerak lar p checkpoint msg2 .. Aku + Eryn kat checkpoint 2 .. Karangan J + S .. Kat checkpoint kitorg nie, diorg kene wat karangan dlm mase 2 minit tp, stiap p'kataan 2 mezti b'mule ngn uruf J or S .. Mcm2 ayat lar yg t'kluar .. tp, ader gak lar yg ok ..sume ader 6 checkpoint , lg 5 checkpoint 2 adlh barang rampasan , alih rumah , khabar angin , raja tali + raja paku .. Xtiviti nie abez dlm kul 3pg .. Paz abez 2, sume g tyto .. Aku + aby gerak blk umah mak dye lar .. Smpi jer kat umah, aku terus slamat kat atas katil .. Nyte ..

+ Ahad +

Pagi nie aku bgn kul 7 .. Lambat .. 2 pown naseb bek aby kejut, klu x mau bgn kul 12 tgh arie lar jwb nyer .. Aku pown cuci muke + tukar baju .. Ready to go .. Arie nie last day kem .. Sblm gerak , kitorg p bl kn nasi lemak tuk family aby .. Then br gerak p kem ..

Smpai jer kem, aku cr Eryn dl tp kol x jwb .. Engat kn tyto lg .. Aku pown smbg lar tyto kat dlm keter .. Tetibe Eryn dtg hulur roti .. Dye p senamrobic lar pg td .. Lepak2 then diorg suruh gerak p bwh .. Ready tuk jungle tracking plak .. Aku jage kumpulan 2 .. Eryn kumpulan 1 ..Yg laen2 aku x engat ..
Start jer xtiviti , kitorg pown redah lar mcm2 checkpoint .. Mmg teruk lar aku kene buli .. Maen ngn lumpur + air kotor .. huh .. At 1st stress giler lar.. OC pown kene teruk .. Tp, mmg enjoy giler xtivity nie .. Smpai last checkpoint , kitorg nk bersih kn badan .. Jumper aby kat c2 .. Aku pown aper lg, abez lar aku sapu kat badan dye ..

Paz mandi , kitorg ready plak tuk majlis pnutup .. B4 tu , ader last xtiviti yg aku x tau .. Muhasabah diri .. Dye tunjuk lar iklan2 sdey .. At 1st aku mmg x kesah tp, tetibe dye tunjuk 1 kisah psl mak + anak .. Aper lg , air mate mengalir ler .. Mmg sdey sgt2 .. Sayu atie .. tetibe t'engat kat kluarge especially arwah emak .. Peserta pown blh dkatekn sume nangis .. Aku nk pujuk pown x blh coz emosi aku sndr x stabil .. Paz 2, program dterus kn ngn majlis pnutup ..

Abez jer majlis pnutup, sume ready tuk b'salam2 an .. Then sume gerak p mkn .. Aku da x pk psl mkn coz bdn aku da gatal + saket sgt.. Paz mkn , sorg2 gerak blk .. Paz aby mkn , kitorg pown gerak blk .. Aby bw moto + aku drive keter .. Mngantok giler ..

Smpai kat umah siap2 mandi .. then tlg mak aby goreng mee .. B4 amek Kak Yun , mak suruh mkn dl .. Pedas plak mee 2.. paz da siap mkn + kemas, aku + aby gerak p amek Kak Yun .. Then anta Aby kat umah .. Paz 2, terus gerak blk KL .. Smpai Umah terus tyto .. !!! 2 jer lar xtiviti last weekend .. !!!

+ Some of the pictures yg dambil +

~ 3 OF US ~

~ ErYn + AmY ~

That's all for now .. Adios Amigos .. (",)

Friday, September 24, 2010

* Miss My Family *

Aku rindu kan family .. Sunyi bl semua nyer b'jauhan .. Kakak kat Johor , Ude kat penang , Angah kat KL + aku kat Damansara .. Aku + Angah pown susah nk b'jumper, nie kn plak ngn Ude + Kakak .. Hhhmmm .. Aku rindu kn anak sdare ku .. Abg + adq + Kakak (Insyirah) .. Sronok mlayan telatah diorg .. Aku rindu kn Bonda ku .. Btape gembirenyer mak andai dye dpt b'same2 kluarge nie .. Berkongsi suke + duke .. Dari kjauhan nie, aku titip kn doa buat mak agar mak tenang di saner .. Agar mak dtempatkn di kalangan org2 yg b'iman .. Puteri2 + putera mak akn setia mendoakan mak .. Aku rindu kn ayahanda .. Hmmmm .. Andai aku dpt putar kn mase, ingin aku kmbl ke saat aku masih kecik + mentah .. Saat aku x tau aper erti idop supaye aku dpt menikmati belaian seorang ayah .. Ya Allah , kuatkan lah smangat ku + tabahkan lah atie ku agar aku dpt menempuh sgale ujian + dugaan yg Engkau berikan .. Amin .. (",)

* Proud for myself *

As usual, arie nie kene OT smpai kul 12.. Planning nk lik Mlake jumper buah atie .. hehehe .. Kak yun da gerak blk Mlake dl coz dye abez kejer kul 6.30 .. So, mlm aku still kat ofiz.. Bz giler2.. 3 hours non-stop prepairing order .. Huh .. Blk jer rumah, trase bosan yg t'amat sgt .. Ekut planning , nk blk Mlake sok .. nek bas .. tp, atas sbb2 tertentu, mlm 2 gajk aku gerak blk Mlake.. For the first, I'm driving alone to Malacca.. Unbelievable .. Start my journey at 2.30am and reached Malacca almost 4am .. Quite tired anyway .. But , finally I'am able to drive alone for the long journey .. Proud for myself .. hehehe..

Thursday, September 23, 2010

* Bosan nyer arie nie *

Meeting with my C.E.O
Meeting ngn bosss .. Da lamer gak x der meeting .. At 1st mmg cuak lar .. Nk kate ader wat case besar, x juga .. Curi tulang, da slaloo.. hehehe .. tp, bkn 2 isu meeting nyer .. Still ader gelak tawa dlm meeting .. so, x der r smpai nk mngamok pown kn .. Meeting pown x lamer ..

Xder mood
Knaper lar dgn arie nie yea .. Dr msk ofiz da x der mood .. At the same time, rase cam pressure yg t'amat sgt .. Ntah knaper lar .. Lately nie, mcm byk bnde jer yg wat aku srabut .. Nk xplain tp, mcm x pasti aper punce nyer .. Jiwa kacau .. Ntah ler ..

Miss him
Rindu sgt kat buah atie ku .. Dye jauh .. Nk jumper tp, dye bz ngn kejer .. Mcm nie lar kitorg, msg2 jauh + bz ngn kejer .. Klu aku free, dye bz .. Klu aku bz plak, dye free .. Mcm maner pown , sabar jer r .. Normal r kn, klu da couple jarak jauh nie .. Nie lah dugaan nyer .. perhaps our relationship will be last forever ..
My Desk
Biler da bosan2 + srabut mcm nie, aku t'fikir tuk kemas desk aku yg smakin messy nie .. Huh .. Da lamer x kemas .. Mmg serabut mcm otak aku skrg nie ..

Drawer - Before

Desk - Before

Drawer - After

Desk - After

Ini lah hasil nyer dr .. Sblm + slepas ..

Ok lar.. Smpai cnie dl coretan tuk kl nie .. nnt continue lg yea ..
Adios Amigos ..

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

* Food posioning *

Arie nie msk half day .. Kak Yun sakit .. Antar dye g clinic .. Actually, mmg da malaz nk msk ofiz pown .. Smlm pown kejer smpai midnite .. Tp, biler received call dr office, kene gak lar msk after lunch .. Smpai2 boss x der .. Dye blk awl .. Then dok lepak2 jer lar kat ofiz .. Mood kejer da ilang .. hehehe .. Tetibe ader plak citer sengal yg aku dgr, boss ckp aku racun Kak Yun .. Bodoh gak .. yer lar, kitorg ckp Kak Yun kene "Food Poisioning" atau kate laennyer , keracunan makanan .. Tp, boss aku pg tanyer kat secretary dye, "knaper ieyn pg racun mas" (Kat ofiz, org pgl Kak Yun ngan name Mas coz name btol ie Masyuniza Yunos) .. Huh .. What kind of question .. ?! Sengal gak an .. aku dgr citer 2 jd bengang plak .. Dye engat aku giler ker aper nk racun org .. ?! Drpd racun member, bek aku racun dye jer , wat stress tol .. Ish .. Sabar jer lar atie .. Disebabkn da stress, aku pown x wat kejer smpai blk .. hahaha .. Alasan yg kukuh tuk malaz wat kejer .. K lar.. Stop cnie dl .. Jom pg hilang kn stress .. k ..

Adios Amigos ..

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

* Kereta Comel ku Sakit *

Sejak kebelakangan nie, mcm2 dugaan yg terpakse aku tempuhi .. Salah satu nyer, dugaan dgn kereta aku .. Kereta nie meragam plak .. Sdey tgk keadaan keter nie .. Kenapa lar mcm nie naseb dye .. Baru stahun lbh kluar, da mcm2 jd kat dye ..

+ Battery problem +
+ tayar kene pancit +
+ viper kene curi +
+ viper kene patah +
+ suis tingkap x function +
+ fius problem +

Sabar jer lar dgn dugaan nie .. Sakit yg t'amat sgt bl kete kesayangan jd mcm nie .. Yer lar, nie keter pertama aku .. Nk kluar kete nie pown da mcm2 dugaan aku kene hadapi .. Sekarang nie nk kene kumpul duet, nk repair sume kerosakkan .. Then, nk bg wajah baru kat kete comel nie .. Luv u Viva .. (",)

Monday, September 20, 2010

* Salam Lebaran *


Alhamdulillah .. B'syukur ke hadrat Illahi kerana dberi pluang tuk merayakan Syawal lg pada tahun nie .. Tahun nie , raye yg sgt b'makne bagi I .. Takbir yg berkumandang benar-benar menggamit sayu di atie .. namu ku rai kn syawal nie dengan hati yg gembira walau pun b'sederhana ..

~~ Malam Raye

- Bergerak pulang ke Melaka dtemani Nalda ..
- Smpai Melaka jam 12.00 tgh mlm- Jemput aby kat umah nenek dye
- B'jln + cari barang kat Taman Cempaka
- Hantar aby balek umah nenek dye- Pulang ke kmpg halaman di Batu Gajah
- Kul 5.30pg smpai kmpg- Tyto lar .. Tunggu aper lg kn .. ?!

~~ Raye Pertama ~~

- Bgn tyto dlm kul 9.00pg
- Iron baju raye
- Mandi sunat hari raye
- B'siap nk ke kubur arwah emak + atuk + pok de + anak oteh
- Balik umah + touch up make up
- Pergi kedai gambar kar Merlimau tuk amek gambar
- Balek singgah umah nek yang
- Balek umah , sesi b'maafan plak
- Tyto jap (Ngantok der)

- Ptg g raye umah jiran2
- Mlm p amek aby kat umah nenek dye
- Bw raye
kat umah nenek
- Angah blk kmpg (Dpt r raye ngan angah jap)
- Bw aby g umah mak dak- Anta aby blk
- Then terus blk umah nenek- Tyto tyme

~~ Raye Kedua ~~

- Raye kat umah nenek aby
** Dpt makan roti jala + sambal udang .. Sedap .. Nyum3 ..
- G braye ngn aby kat umah kwn2 dye

~~ Raye Ketiga ~~

- Spend tyme ngn aby + g braye umah member2
** Antare umah yg kitorg pg, umah Jen (Azri) + Hilmi + Man + Udin + Ct Hajar
- Mlm 2 blk KL

- Nie lar gambar2 yg smpt diambil -

Bergambar bersama nenda

kami 3 bradeq

Family Kakak + Abg Hafeez

Family Ude + Abg Hafeez

Kakak + Abg Halim

Ude + Abg Hafeez

Nie gambar family yg sempat diambil .. Gambar ngn aby x der lar tp, akan arrange 1 day dlm bln Syawal nie gak tuk b'gambar bersama ..

Thanx to everyone yg menceriakn raye tahun nie .. Sronok mlayan kereneh ank buah yg comel .. Mak su syg sume ..

Kepada teman2, maaf coz byk umah yg x dpt nk braye .. Korg pown x sume ade kat umah .. Lg pown , x cukup mase ..

Watever pown , nk ucap kn Slamat arie Raye Maaf zahir + Batin .. Maaf atas segala keterlanjuran kata atau perbuatan .. 0 - 0 yea sume ..

Akhir kata , Salam Lebaran buat sume ..

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

* Because You Loved Me *

" This song dedicated special for my beloved hubby "

For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I’ll be forever thankful baby
You’re the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You’re the one who saw me through through it all

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn’t speak
You were my eyes when I couldn’t see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn’t reach
You gave me faith ’coz you believed
I’m everything I am
Because you loved me

You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I’m grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don’t know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn’t speak
You were my eyes when I couldn’t see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn’t reach
You gave me faith ’coz you believed
I’m everything I am
Because you loved me

You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life
You’ve been my inspiration
Through the lies you were the truth
My world is a better place because of you

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn’t speak
You were my eyes when I couldn’t see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn’t reach
You gave me faith ’coz you believed
I’m everything I am
Because you loved me

You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn’t speak
You were my eyes when I couldn’t see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn’t reach
You gave me faith ’coz you believed
I’m everything I am
Because you loved me

I’m everything I am
Because you loved me

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

* Love + Tears *

" Muhammad Khuzairi Jaafar "

After 4 years, we lost contact, finally I found him in FB .. Thanks to FB.. Finally, I found what I'm looking for since the day I leave him .. To be honest, he is really good friend .. From the day I knew him , I knew that he is a kind guy .. Everyone keep talking bad about him but I trust him from the bottom of my heart .. From the way he take care of me, I realise I can't lost him .. After all, now we r happy together .. Nobody perfect in this world but everything that he have is pretty enough to make me happy .. To stop my tears .. To make me smile for whole day .. Know him as Kucai, u will think that he is "Abg Long" .. Know him as Khuzai, U will see his sincere .. Know him as Muhammad Khuzairi Jaafar, U can see everything in him .. But I know him as My hubby so, I can see love in his eyes .. Whoever he is, I know he is the best for me .. Whatever has been past, let it go .. Whatever waiting in the future, we will face it together ..
Just for 1 month, I felt like I got back my 4 years time which is already gone actually .. We have been thru our day with smiles + tears .. We laugh + cry together .. Thank aby 4 always be my side .. Perhaps our relationship will be in happy mode forever in ever .. Thanx 4 every moment that u make me can't stop thinking of u .. U always be in my heart ..

" Let catch the time that we wasted before "

* Everything in August *


For whole this month, a lot of things happen in my life .. Combination of Sad + Happy + Frustrated ..

" SAD "

-When I'm fasting alone ..
- Felt so lonely ..
- No family ..
- No siblings
- Everyone far away ..

** Well, this is my life .. Always in my own world ..


- When I have to accept the faith that I'm single now ..
- I have to accept the faith that he leave me ..

** Love doesn't meant u r mean together


- I have found what I'm looking for ( I found him = Muhammad Khuzairi Jaafar )
- I get back my old life .. Happening + enjoy ..

** I have found rainbow of my life ..

Thursday, September 2, 2010


10th August

Ramadhan 1431H ..

Today is the first day of Ramadhan .. Thanks Allah caused give me change to be in this month again .. Hope this month can give me strength to continue my life after all that I have been thru ..

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

" Heartbreaker "

02nd August 2010

Sad day .. I thought I'm the luckiest person to have this kind of relationship eventhought I have been thru a lot of pain unfortunately, our relationship turned to friendship .. Damn .. How come just because of picture , I have to accept the faith that he is not mine anymore .. Seriously, it's pain .. I'm always think that I'm able to handle this kind of situation and until I faced it, I now it's hard .. I tried to forget him since the day he leave me without any word and not even look at my face .. It's ok dear .. I know this is what I'm suppose to get for whatever I have done to other people before ..

For My Dear ,
I want you to know that I'm happy to know u even just for few years .. I'm really appreciated for everything that u have done for our relationship .. It's so sweet + meaningfull .. So sorry for everything that I have done to u
.. I realise that our life is not mean together .. I'll pray for ur happiness .. One thing, I hope both of us can try to improve ourself for next relationship and learn from mistake .. I don't know how u face this kind of situation but I know that both of us hurt .. I just hope that I can be as strong as my late mother .. Anyway, what for a relationship if I have to lost u at the end of the day so, let we stop this relationship and find our true love .. but if we r mean together, we will still together forever and ever .. And now, Life must go on even our love is over .. U will be in my memory forever + ever ..

With luv ,


Let me keep this picture for our memory ..

Friday, August 13, 2010

* End Of July + Beginning of August *

30th July 2010

Yahoo .. I got my salary .. After work , terus balek rumah + mandi .. After that, pg Danau Kota ngn Lalan .. Abah + mama da tunggu kat sane .. Pak Cik Aim + Cik Sham pown ade skali .. Sempat bl kemeja + jeans tuk dr sndr.. Then bl kemeja tuk anak akak .. Abg + adq ..Balek da kul 4pg .. Sok kene kejer plak .. Letih nyer ..

31st July 2010

Arie nie kene kejer coz kat office ade wat motivation tuk networker .. " Break the Barrier" .. lamer giler ..Da r start lmbat, abez pown lmbat .. Some more, lg byk plak xtiviti paz da abez 2 .. I da penat, I terus cabut angkat kaki .. Paz balek umah + packing brg2, I gerak g Danau Kota coz nk p tukar baju anak akak .. Slah size plak .. Settle yg 2, I terus gerak g amek Nalda + syda .. Even pnt, perjalanan harus dteruskn .. Start our journey at 2.00am .. I drive smpai Seremban then Syda smbg drive .. Smpai hampir msk ke JB plak dye drive coz I tertyto .. Smpai umah nenek kul 5.30pg ..

01st August 2010

Skrg da berada kat kmpg .. Even kpenatan, I tetap bgn bile dengar all my cousions making noise .. Huh .. Srabut .. 1st thing bgn, cr nenek kat dapur + b'salaman ngn sdare mare yg laen .. Al-maklum lar, smlm nyer balek terus tyto coz smpai pown pagi2 buta kn ..

Paz 2, I tlg lar Mak Ngah basuh ayam .. dl x der r plak wat kejer2 nie.. Dl kalu nek wat kenduri, I just kemas2 pinggan jer.. but now, I wat kejer org dewasa plak .. skrg kejer 2 Ain yg buat ...

Kenduri start dlm kul 12.. Paz kenduri abez + sume org da mkn, I nyer turn plak makan .. Sedap giler masak lemak ikan masin + nenas .. Perghh, mmg layan .. !!! Paz sume da selesai, I pown basuh r pinggan mangkuk yg kotor 2.. Smpai t'luka tgn basuh dulang .. Mak dak tlg balut kn tgn .. Bl da besar, rase t'haru sgt ngn layanan sume org kat kmpg .. Dl nakal sgt2.. hehehe ..

Bila ptg, I + kakak + anak akak (abg) + Oteh + Nalda + Syda kluar lar pg Mlake .. 1st place yg kitorg pg Hospital Mlake .. Pg mlawat member kakak yg baru b'salin .. Then pg Jusco .. Konon2 nk makan Pizza Hut .. Nk djadikan citer , order yg dtunggu x smpai2 .. org len yg dtg kmudian pown da dpt dl .. Huh .. mmg tension .. I punyer bengang, I terus angkat kaki cabut .. yer r .. I tunggu ckit punyer lame, last2 org len yg dpt dl.. Tunggu soup ngn air pown almost half an hour .. minta air suam jer pown x smpai2.. Oteh plak ckp, slame 41 tahun idop, 2 r 1st tyme mkn x bayar .. Hehehe ..

Paz 2 , kitorg p r Tesco .. Nk cr kasut akak .. tp, sudahnyer kasut akak xder .. Syda plak yg p bl kasut .. paz da kepenatan, kitorg pown blk lar since akak pown nk lik Keramat + I plak nk lik umah sewa ..

B4 balek , I sempat jumper My old frenz, Khuzai .. After 4 years, byk yg da brubah .. dye smakin tinggi .. da x mcm dl .. dl kecik jer org nyer.. hehehe .. Lbh kurang 1 jam gak lar lepak ngn dye .. then kitorg pown berangkat blk KL ..

Smpai KL dlm kul 4 pg .. Damn Tired ..

That's all for now .. will update later .. Adios amigos ..

Saturday, July 31, 2010

* Frenz story *

29th July 2010

I puase arie nie .. Penat nyer .. Hehehe .. but seriously mmg penat giler .. Rase mcm nk balek terus tyto jer tp, bl da smpai umah x leh tyto plak.. Uishhh .. teruk tol mate nie lar ..Know what, I tyto kul 2.30pg .. Giler lar .. tp, tyo mmg nyenyak .. hehehe .

30th July 2010

*Kejutan Pagi*
Pelbagai bnde yg terjadi hari ini . Dari mule celik jer mate, I terkejut tgk member I + Pengkid dye da x der .. Hati ni rase sayu .. Ini ker kawan yg I sanjung slame nie .. I tau I terhutang budi ngn kluarga dye sbb byk tlg I time sek dl tp, I pown maseh ader prasaan .. Klu dye trase atie ngn I coz I marah ngn dye psl dye pinjam keter 2, I rase I mmg patut marah .. 2 hak I .. Klu org nk ckp ape pown I x kesah .. Nk tau knaper, sbb perlu ker I kesah kat org sdgkn org buat I nie mcm tunggul jer .. Seriously I x blh accept bl dye kluar rumah mcm 2 jer .. Sepatah trime kaseh pown x der .. I tunggu juga klu dye ade anta msg ker .. May be dye x brani ckp ngn I , tp x de 1 msg pown I trime dr dye .. I bkn kejam , klu dye btol2 ade rase b'salah, kanper x dtg slow talk ngn I .. Dye bkn x knl I camner .. Plsss lar .. Knl dr sek lar .. X kn simply wat friendship mcm 2.. But it's ok .. If dye still nk mcm 2, I pown akan tetap mcm nie even I syg sgt friendship nie ..
*Birthday Arm*
Today birthday Arm .. Mohammad Ammar bin Roomai .. Try kol dye kul 12am tp, x dpt2.. rupenyer dye da tyto .. Wish via FB + also phone .. Buat Arm , Sy doakn awk happy slaloo .. Sy harap kn dgn bertambah nyer usie nie, bertambah juga lah kematangan awk yea .. Sy akui byk perubahan pada diri Arm .. perubahan yg positif + sy suke ngn perubahan 2 .. Hope Arm akn kekal mcm 2.. Wish u luck Arm + Wish all ur dreams come true .. Most important, May Gos bless u ..

Thursday, July 29, 2010

* What a day *


*Mom's 52th birthday*
A lot of things happen on this whole day .. Starting my day with tears .. Thinking of my mom .. Really miss her .. If she still alive, today is her 52th birthday .. Unfortunately, she is not with me .. All this while, I'm just thinking that she always be my side eventhough she is far away from me , but I have to acept the fact, she is in her own world .. Al-Fatihah for her .. Pray for her happiness .. Well, if I could stand in front of her at this time ,I want to hug her to let her know that I really miss her ..

Work will never end .. my day was a busy day when I have to concentrate to all pending and waiting tasks to be completed .. Just take a short break with a MARS chocolate .. Really need it eventhough I'm on diet .. But don't missunderstand .. because not all the fats bad for ur body ..

Fats in chocolate + effect for ur body ..
some of the fats in chocolate do not impact your cholesterol. The fats in chocolate are
1/3 oleic acid, 1/3 stearic acid and 1/3 palmitic acid:

* Oleic Acid is a healthy monounsaturated fat that is also found in olive oil.
* Stearic Acid is a saturated fat but one which research is shows has a neutral effect on cholesterol.
* Palmitic Acid is also a saturated fat, one which raises cholesterol and heart disease risk.

That means only 1/3 of the fat in dark chocolate is bad for you.

Sometimes, when u r really under pressure, why not u eat chocolate because it contains serotonin, which acts as an anti-depressant .. Don't eat chocolate to much but it's ok if u eat it just for sometime ..

*If U r in My shoe*

This is a stupid moment ever where I have to go back to my home by taxi eventhough I'm paying my own car every month .. Guess what .. ?! My friend borrow my car .. She ask from my bf with a reason that she going to ATM machine to withdraw money and wanna going to One Utama to but some clothes even without my permission to use my car .. Very unacceptable when she used my car to fetch her "pengkid" from Kelana Jaya and I'm waiting for my bf to fetch me unfortunately my friend still in Kelana Jaya at the time I already went out from my office .. Another thing that make me angry when she ask me either I have a friend that can send me home or not .. ?! SHIT .. !!! She also asked me to go back by taxi and she will pay me back .. Is that the true friend .. ?! Huh .. ?! I went back by taxi with the money that I want to use to buy some food for my 'sahur' .. At the time I rached home, she still not at home .. She reached home around 9.30pm .. Just imagine if I'm keep waiting for her until she fetch me .. Damn .. She not even bought any cloth and she just say sorry .. Another thing that I can't accept when she brought her 'pengkid' to my house without my permission .. Some more slept on my bed .. I slept in living room .. Wow .. Excelent .. What else .. ?! She use my car until fuel sign blinking means that my petrol tank going to empty .. it's very good .. Seriously, I can't accept all this .. Why I have to get this when I gave the best for everyone .. ????? !!!!!

If u asking me why, I'm really sensitive about this issue cause I have faced one incident which is really unacceptable .. This is when My Grandfather past away .. Previously, I have a friend which we always hang out together .. Every night we hang out .. I always paid for everything .. Not because to show off that I'm a good person but I'm really appreciated my friend .. That is the way I treated them .. Come to the situation my grandfather past away, I asked him to borrow his car .. He gave me a lot of excuse .. Really understand if he afraid anything happen but I really need it bucause of emergency and he knew me very well .. I'll responsible to his car .. Since that happen , I realise that not easy to find a true friend .. Friend will be our side when we smile , but they will go far away when we cry .. From that, I learned to keep my car for myself .. I'll not simply let anyone use or borrow my car ..

That is the only thing I can write in this mood.. Will continue later ..
Adios amigos ..

* Nothing Intresting *

26th July 2010
Monday .. Beginning of week .. I was fasting .. (Puase ganti) .. Not in good mood but I don't know why .. Well, "Monday Mood" .. It's normal I think .. Anyway, I'm waiting for my salary .. Lol .. Thinking to go somewhere to release tension .. But no time to go since I have to be in my village by this Saturday .. If I go next weekend, afraid I have not enough rest since fasting month will be start around 2nd week of August .. Need to think wisely so that everything will be clear + smooth .. But seriously , I need rest .. Felt really tired + pressure .. May be it's because I have no time to go for any vacation .. Will planning later ..

** His Birthday **
Today is his birthday .. Happy Birthday to Muhammad Khuzairi b. Jaafar .. Sorry for not being the 1st person to wish u .. Whatever it is, wish u have a great day ahead + May God bless u .. Last but not least, Wish all ur dreams come true ..

27th July 2010
Story on Tuesday .. Nothing intresting anyway .. Just busy day with a lot of task waiting on the desk ..

Some of the task :-
1) Helping Data Entry people
2) Cheking pending orders to be prepared
3) Prepairing report for courier
4) Checking for daily order release

As usual , stay back until 12 midnight .. !!! Same thing I'm thinking about today is my salary ..

Will continue for another hot story ..
Adios amigos ..

Monday, July 26, 2010

* My Happening Weekend *

My last weekend was happening + tired .. Hang out to Summit + celebrated my dad's birthday on Saturday .. Spend whole day in the house on Sunday ..

24th July 2010

First thing , went to Summit .. Having lunch in Thai food in 2nd floor.. Lunch with Mango rice + Mihun Tom yam + Sirap Limau .. Watched Mantra .. The latest malay movie in cinema ..

Summary of Mantra
" This story starts in a cemetery where Muzir is betrayed by Hasbi who wins over Muzir's wife. Hasbi is to be jailed for life. "

After that, went to cake shop and buy Chocolate Banana Cake for dad's birthday celebration .. While waiting for the time to go to dad's house, I went to karaoke for 1 and half hours sine my dad will be back from work at night ..

At night, I went to my dad's house with Syda + Nalda .. For the 1st tyme in my life , I celebrated my dad's birthday with a cake ..
Happy to see his smile .. His birthday actually on 22nd July as stated in my previous post .. No photo to upload since he don't want to snap picture .. Just able to snap 1 picture from Abg wan's phone .. When the time he cut the cake .. Whatever it is, I want him to know that I luv him so much ..

25th July 2010
Woke up a bit late since went back too late yesterday .. Having lunch in D'Tom Yam restaurant in Damansara Perdana without taking shower .. Lol .. After that, cleaned my house since never clean it for 2 weeks .. Really tired .. Washed some cloths for use to work .. Slept at 2.30am after everything was settle ..

Will continue update later ..

Adios amigos ..